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Book Nook Reviews presents a review of The Miracle Morning
Once or twice a month, one or both of us will do a review of a book. This time I am going to review the book The Miracle Morning. So I have come to realize that I either I plan my day and run it or my day runs me. I am so guilty of checking my email or Facebook first thing in the morning, not realizing that it sets the tone for my entire, yes I said entire day. Then I heard about this book, called the Miracle Morning and decided to check it out.
Hal Elrod has taken this book and provided a framework for how to have your morning set the entire tone for your day. It is brilliant. I am not sure about you, but I like to sleep in, my alarm is not exactly my friend. When I heard that successful people are up at 5 am for the 5 am club, I wanted to crawl back under the covers and hide.
Elrod encourages you to get up early and spend if possible and hour of your day to set it up for success. He has 5 areas to focus on to get your mind and body right! The acronym for these is the SAVERS and y’all, that acronym doesn’t lie. My days are so much smoother and I am more grounded when I start with the miracle morning, it truly is a miracle. Pun intended!
S is for silence, A is for affirmations, V is for visualization, E is for exercise, R is for reading and S is for scribing (journaling).
The goal is to spend 5-10 minutes a morning in each of these areas to get a balanced mind, body and spirit. It also starts your day off positive. I love it, there is so much bad news, negativity and highlight reels from social media that we are exposed to every minute of every day. By taking this hour in the morning, helps me to focus on me, feeding my mind with positive (affirmations), filling my cup through reading, journaling and meditation and then getting some movement in.
I am not sure about you but there are days that I get so consumed in a project that I do not get up from my desk. My fitbit laughs at me while I look at the 600 steps number in pure disbelief at the 8 pm hour. When I start my day with exercise it makes me want to move around more throughout the day!
Let’s talk a little bit about why these are each important. But please do yourself a favor and get this book, it is life changing if you want it to be!
1. Silence
For me this is the hardest one of the 6 pieces. My mind is always chattering, I mean like that annoying person in the grocery store who will not quit talking to you in line (yup, I live with that one). And so this is the area that I really focus on, I am working up to sitting in silence with my own thoughts. To get started I downloaded a meditation app and listen to a 10 minute meditation each day.
2. Affirmations
Y’all, that little chatterbox in my head she is not very nice. This is why affirmations are huge! Basically an affirmation is a statement of a positive thing we are working towards happening. It can be a completion of a goal, it can be positive self talk, it can be shifting to an abundance mindset. Anything positive is key, but more importantly consistency and repetition will do the trick here!
3. Visualization
You gotta know where you are going if you want to get there. There is a fact that many of the Olympic gold medal winners picture their perfect race over and over again and picture being on the podium winning gold way before it happens. This is how powerful visualization is. This is my favorite piece, what do you want to achieve, take 5 minutes and visualize it happening.
4. Exercise
Just do it, enough said! Starting your day with even 10 minutes of movement can have a drastic impact on your health, and even your wealth.
5. Reading
Be a lifelong learner, always be learning and growing. Successful people are never done learning, this is something I learned early on and have adopted this motto in life. I am always looking for ways to up my game and reading is the biggest part of that.
6. Scribing
Scribing/journaling these are so important, it helps you get the thoughts out of your head onto paper. You not only get stuff out of there, but you gain valuable insights too!
My synopsis does not do the book justice at all, but I am giving it a 5 star out of 5 star review. If you only were to adopt these 6 small principles in your life for the next year, I wonder what would change! I’ll be back in 365 days to let you know my personal results!