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Welcome to Our Journey!
Hi I’m new here! I’m Katie and this is Matt and we are on this crazy journey to health. More specifically a healthy mind body and spirit. Somewhere along the way we have both forgotten who we are, what our dreams are, why it feels good to be healthy both mind, body & spirit. It is time to change that and because we are learning so much on this journey we wanted to share it with you!
We think humor helps everything, so expect to laugh with some punnies or funnies along the way!
What does it mean to have a healthy mind, body and spirit?
To us it means a few things.
Healthy Body:
A healthy body is not what you are probably thinking, for both of us we want to feel good and have energy to go with it. I recognize that eating healthy is key but let’s be real I am not going to likely do it 100% of the time. I like beer, and cookies and probably 100 other things that are not considered healthy! So the key for us, is a balance where the good outweighs the bad (no pun intended there)! We both are signed up to “run” the Warrior Dash 5k in September and well we would both like to do it without dying (yes that may be a touch on the dramatic side)!
Healthy Mind:
Somewhere along the way, we both started listening to what others have to say which resulted in not believing in ourselves. You guys, Matt is so funny and has such a gift to share with the world. He was not doing this because of his horrible self talk and I am not any better. This is something that needs to change if we want to achieve our goals and ultimately be our best selves, cheesy I know, but that is our vision.
Healthy Spirit:
I am not sure about you, but in my day to day happenings, I often am the last person who I think of. Right now in both of our lives, self care is just a dream. Taking time for a hair cut/color, massage or a mani/pedi happens so rarely that I do not even remember the last time I enjoyed any of the above. One of the things that both Matt and I have been taught is that you have to have your cup full before you can fill others. This is a lesson that we have both seen come to be true. This journey is how to put ourselves first so that we can give.
Well, you have read this far, so I invite you to come along on our journey to a healthy mind body and spirit. We are about as real as it gets, so I am quite positive that this journey will include some funny outtake and blooper reals but just realize, its all real! Hold on, because here we go!