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Do you have a self care routine? Do you at least once a week take time for you?
If you are anything like me, the answer to these questions may be a big fat no. If that is the case, it is totally normal but let’s work to change it, mkay?!
What is self care? To me and I am not Wikipedia, but my definition, is taking time to nurture yourself, whether that be sleeping in, unplugging and reading a book, going for a run, eating some ice cream or treating yourself to a mani/pedi. It is something that is just for you and fills up your cup a bit. This looks different for everyone and to be honest, depending on what is happening in your life it may evolve.
In order to make sure I am getting at least a little self care in, I have made a pact to have a self care Sunday. This can either be the whole day or an hour of the Sunday. I had to schedule this in my calendar in order to make sure it happens.
So can you do a pinky promise that you will give this a go and do at least an hour of self care each Sunday for a month? Then report back and let me know how you feel! Pretty please?
Need some ideas for self care Sundays?
Here are my top 10 go to’s:
- Unplugging from the electronic world and reading a book with a cup of tea for a full hour.
- Putting on my favorite face mask (mine is the Arbonne french clay mask Click Here) while relaxing in a bubble bath.
- Splurging on a mani/pedi and enjoying the pampering.
- Going for a run/walk/hike some where in nature and just enjoying the views and the peace and quiet of nature.
- Journaling for 30 minutes, sometimes life can be hard and I just need to get it all out, this is where I will journal for 30 minutes, its therapy for my soul.
- Watching my favorite chick flick with my favorite ice cream.
- Painting or drawing or even coloring, going back to the things I loved as a child that involved art.
- Napping, okay I am not going to lie, sometimes you just need a nap.
- Going to bed early, enough said.
- Having a glass of wine with some cheese, meat and crackers. This is my favorite one, and I do not feel guilty at all (because well, cheese and wine, enough said).
Please share, what are some of your favorite self care practices?